Friday, April 27, 2012

Ringu/Shutter Asian Horror Movies

I saw two horror movies and both were Asian and well like I had stated, horror.

Don't worry, this is the closest you'll ever get in seeing my face!

          I wasn't too sure in what to think before going into Ringu, people said it was really scary and me not being able to be frightened by monsters much anymore, I was unsure what would be "scary". 
The first horror movie I saw was Ringu which is the original in the Ring series made by Americans. Ringu is about a videotape that if you watch it you'll die within 7 days, simple premise, poor delivery. I did like the cinematography it did have that going for it. Ringu was just way too boring, so boring in fact that my brother would play the happiest music in the world when they would show the videotape to make the movie more entertaining. The movie just kept dragging out, longer and longer only to be disappointed with one minute of actually seeing the scary girl from the T.V. But, not even that was scary but was slightly creepy but the happy music made it all the more entertaining. The poster is pretty much sums up the creepiest scene in the movie besides her crawling across the floor. American Ring was much better, the girl was shown more and the atmosphere was far creeper and the crawl, the dreadful creepy ass crawl was pulled off so much better. Other than that this movie wasn't that great, it could've been great if only they showed more of that creepy girl. This movie gets 1 honey badger out of 5 honey badgers and I'm being fair, don't watch it, I'm saving you an hour and thirty minutes of your life.

This picture was never in the movie but we thought it would make a cool movie poster!

          The second movie was Shutter and yet still disappointed from Ringu I wasn't very excited for this one. Shutter is about a couple that are out driving after they hangout with their friends and on the way home they hit a girl and instead of helping her, they drive off. Now there was an American remake of this movie and it was terrible. Continuing on, the main guy is a photographer and takes pictures and soon notices that his picture have a white shadow in them. So to sum it up the couple is cursed by this ghost and they want to fix this whole situation. Without giving up too much the ghost girl was once a past lover of the main guy. This movie was actually really good for a horror movie, they jumped straight into the story unlike Ringu which was very slow and tedious. Shutter got really creepy at times and did it right!

Just sit there and take it. Don't worry, I promise I'll be gentle.

The movie did have jump scares or cheap scares and played it well. Other times it was showing the girl as she creeps and tags along the boyfriend and the realization he's being followed. It does play into foreshadowing where the boyfriend complains about how he starts having neck pains after the accident. And throughout the movie you see the story follows both the of the characters at different times as they're separated from each other at times; as the girlfriend tries to figure out who this girl is, the boyfriend tries to ignore that it ever happened. A problem that I found was how some of the events happened in which they sometimes don't make much sense as in a reasoning why the character would do that. If you saw the American version and hated it, watch this one because this was actually good. If I have to say one thing about Asian movies is that they have really good cinematography for some reason unlike most American movies today. I give this movie 3 honey badgers out of 5 honey badgers.

 Gravity also doesn't apply in this movie.

Afterwards I started listening to Yonkers by Tyler The Creator the lyrics are amazing if you read or listen to them. (

If only you knew where I stuck this roach after I was done using it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

FAQs About Time Travel

          My brother kept urging me over and over to watch this movie and I declined every time. I decided to watch it finally because I needed a movie to watch over the break and couldn't think of any to actually watch, so why not. What I didn't know going into this movie was that Chris O'dowd, who is an actor I truly adore from the show The IT Crowd and the movie Bridesmaids. Anna Farris is in it also, that's a good thing like always!
          The story is based around 3 friends who go for a quite drink in their local pub/bar. Ray is a self confessed geek and he's obsessed with time travel, Toby is a film writer or at least a wanna-be film writer and another geek, and Pete is a cynic who enjoys winding the other two up about how nerdy they are! So when Ray comes back from the bar having claimed to have meet a woman from the future Toby assumes it's a pitch for a new film plot and Pete naturally doesn't believe a word of it... Until he stumbles across a time leak and the real story kicks off! It turns into one fantastic cooky adventure, this film is brilliantly put together and hilarious to say the least.
          I give this film 10 Honey Badgers out of 10.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Exit Through the Gift Shop


Exit Through the Gift Shop - A Movie By Banksy

The movie ETGS (Exit Through the Gift Shop) follows the lives of two men, Banksy and Thierry Guetta. Thierry is the documentarian throughout the movie with his original archives of videos. But the interview process which the movie shows is done by someone else. They movie goes through the intricate question of "What is art?" and it presents itself in a very articulate manner which leaves the viewer of what truly art is. It was a great documentary with comedic moments put in. I give it 10 Honey Badgers out of 10 Honey Badgers.